We help your company meet the requirements of Russian and international laws
    • AML / CFT Compliance: Compliance with Money Laundering Laws
    • Anti-Corruption Compliance: Compliance with Anti-Corruption Laws
    • Sanctions compliance: sanctions restrictions against Russia
    • Antitrust Compliance: Compliance with Competition Requirements
    • Compliance with personal data protection legislation
    • Compliance with digital asset legislation requiremen

    Our services
    We solve your needs
    • Implement compliance procedures
    • Raise compliance awareness
    • Improve corporate cultures and values
    • Comply with international and local law
    Compliance does matter
    AML / CFT
    Prevent Corruption
    Protection of personal information
    Ciber Law
    Success stories
    • We need to realize compliance procedure for sanction controls. We are very pleased to have contacted this company. We were offered an integrated approach to the development of documents, training and verification of all counterparties. We used a one-time service, while considering the possibility of continuous outsourcing of compliance function.
      Construction company
    • I am an entrepreneur. In my organization there are enough representatives of the control divisions: auditors, lawyers, security. In order to enter the European markets, we faced a very important question, whether we are ready to invest in a separate compliance division. Our answer is No. We decided to turn to consultants to solve point problems. Rucompliance has developed internal policies for us and represented our interests in negotiations with foreign investors.
      Agricultural company
    • Young and professional team. We seek help in passing the Independent Compliance Assessment.Team prepared questionnaires template and developed a methodology for evaluating compliance risk.
      Risk manager
    • We considered that over 100 reports - it is more profitable to order than to do them yourself. The quality is quite satisfied.
      Automobile holding
    Contact us
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